Michael McGreevy
We're back and we're kicking off season 2 of THE COMPANY WE KEEP podcast by talking with someone from the company Jason keeps, Michael McGreevy. Michael is a leadership coach and he works with some of the nation's best leaders by helping them to find a deeper sense of confidence, both personally and professionally. He's led more than 100 leaders to success with his coaching practice and we're excited to welcome his signature style and outstanding mindset to the episode.
Have a question or want to talk to Jason about a specific topic? Or maybe you just talk about the Bills?
Email: podcast@jasonmpearl.com
Show Highlights:
(00:00) Introduction - How Jason and Michael Met
(04:49) What is McGreevy Leadership?
(07:28) Commonality Among Leaders
(11:49) Michael’s Background
(14:15) Advice To Your Younger Self
(19:40) Advice For Leaders
(20:58) What’s Exciting Right Now?
(24:58): What’s On Your Spotify Playlist?
(26:35): “Big Words With Deeds”
(28:09) Guilty Pleasures
(28:09) Wrapup & Contact
Email: podcast@jasonmpearl.com
Show Highlights:
(00:00) Introduction - How Jason and Michael Met
(04:49) What is McGreevy Leadership?
(07:28) Commonality Among Leaders
(11:49) Michael’s Background
(14:15) Advice To Your Younger Self
(19:40) Advice For Leaders
(20:58) What’s Exciting Right Now?
(24:58): What’s On Your Spotify Playlist?
(26:35): “Big Words With Deeds”
(28:09) Guilty Pleasures
(28:09) Wrapup & Contact
Mentioned On The Episode:
Michael McGreevy LinkedIn
Michael McGreevy Email: michael@mcgreevyleadership.com
Michael McGreevy LinkedIn
Michael McGreevy Email: michael@mcgreevyleadership.com