Making Your Network Work

On this episode of THE COMPANY WE KEEP podcast, host Jason Pearl brings you into his network, shares how it literally changed the course of his life, and how to make your network work for you (especially when you need it).
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Show Highlights: 
(00:00) Introduction
(02:00) How Networking Works For Me
(06:05) CJ Maurer
(08:25) Kevin Kerl
(12:36) Michael McGreevey
(14:17) Nick Cavuoto
(17:15) Unexpected Connections
(19:59) Recap

Here’s a little advice: I think that's really important to show I'm trying to build a network that can serve me both personally and professionally. It’s not just about making more money. My network is made up of really good guys that I surround myself with, and who I also call friends. And I think that's what's really important when you're building your network.

Mentioned On The Episode: 
Nacre Consulting
CJ Maurer
Kevin Kerl
Michael McGreevey
Nick Cavuoto
Some other honorable mentions: 
Erik Eustice
John Baldo
Sam Russo
Lorraine Capital
Mark McCabe